Saturday, February 25, 2012

Data Warehouse Structure and Indexing when using MOLAP

Hi there,

I am building a cube in AS2005 which is made up of one fact table (20 million rows) and 7 dimension tables. I am planning to use MOLAP storage and my question is this. Is it important to add indexes, primary keys, foreign keys to my data source to improve performance? I can appreciate that it might speed up processing time, but since all the data and aggregations would be stored in the cube, I can't see how it would have any imact on performance (querying the cube).

If there is a benefit to adding indexes, keys etc. then could somebody please tell the best strategy, i.e where to put them, clustered or nonclustered etc.

Many thanks,


I have the same opinion, with MOLAP indexes will only help when you process a cube. MOLAP is separated from the data source when the cube is finished/processed.

If you use the same datamart for Reporting Services you will benefit when running queries.

The strategy for index is clustered indexes for dimension primary keys and non-clustered on their foreign keys in the fact table. A non clustered composite index on all the foreigh keys in the fact table is also recommended. Clustered index in the fact table is not recommended.

You will pay for using indexes when you do inserts, deletes and updates so it is often recommended to drop indexes when you update your data mart or data warehouse, and recreate the when the update/load is finished.

Primary and foreign keys are good help if you like to receive errors when you are loading the data mart/warehouse. With them you know that all fact records have related dimension members Else these errors will appear when you process the cube.

Here is a web site I can recommend for performance issues:


Thomas Ivarsson

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