Saturday, February 25, 2012

data ware housing

i have just started to learn about the concepts of dataware housing. i
came to know there are about 5 services in data warehousing.
Namely, 1.Analytical services 2.Integerating services 3 Data Mining 4
Notification services and 5 Reporting doubt i that is there any
order of studying these services or just start with any of the services and
complete one by one.
Thank youYou are mentioning the tools and leaving out the concepts. Here is the order
you should probably focus your studies:
1) Dimensional Modeling
2) ETL Concepts (type 1, type 2, etc.)
3) SSIS (integration services)
4) SSAS (analysis services)
5) SSRS (reporting services)
6) Notification Services
"vidhya" wrote:

> Hai
> i have just started to learn about the concepts of dataware housing. i
> came to know there are about 5 services in data warehousing.
> Namely, 1.Analytical services 2.Integerating services 3 Data Mining 4
> Notification services and 5 Reporting doubt i that is there an
> order of studying these services or just start with any of the services an
> complete one by one.
> Thank you

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