Thursday, March 22, 2012

database backup problem

I got error message, Error: 9002, Severity: 17, State: 6 The log file for database 'test' is full. Anybody can help me? why happen, how to fix, thanks in advance.I got that yesterday when trying to change a column width! Turned out the log file was set to a fixed size. As soon as I changed it to automatically grow the problem went away.|||i don't know if this'll work, but if the database is still operational, i think you could expand the database size. this should cancel out the "Full" error message. It allows you to do it 6.5 and 7, but i can't remember off the top of my head how to do it in 2000 (if that's what you're running)|||Grahamt: can you describe the step of how to I changed it to automatically grow . I appreciate it. Thanks|||Cruickshanks: i am running on sql server 2000|||Right-click the DB in Enterprise Mangler
Click the Transaction Log Tab at the top
Make sure the "Automatically Grow file" and "Unrestricted file growth" are both checked.

See if that works. :)|||I check the transaction log, "Automatically Grow file" and "Unrestricted file growth" are both checked. What happen?|||Disk full?|||If the disk is full...just try truncating the log . in query analyzer execute

use test

back up log test with truncate_only .

This should resolve your problem. Also try to create a maintenance plan .|||Praveenvc: Why need to trunck the log file, is the log file locate in the management\SQL Sever Agent\SQL Sever Log, but that is not two big, only have 7 logfile there. Another thing, after you trunck the log file, how to do mantainance plan, can you give me more detail as i am a new with sql server . Thanks again!

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