Wednesday, March 7, 2012


How can i backup the full database to another diffrent server?Simply do the backup via the GUI or the BACKUP DATABASE command and do a restore at the destination server with RESTORE DATABASE. WHat version of SQL Server are you using ?

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.|||

i use vs 2005.

i can backup the database but when i take the .bak file to another computer its fail to restore it back.


Sure, there can be a problem if you restore the database at another server because the original pathnames are stored in the backup media as well. So by default the restore want s alsways to take place in those directory, which normally don′t exists. Perhaps if you had your orignal filesnames stored on D:\Data and the Logfiles on E:\Logs then the backup without any input want to place these files there, if the drives(letters) and/or folders don′t exists, the command will fail. Passing the NEW destination of the Data and Logfiles will help you aroudn the problem.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

|||how to Passing the NEW destination of the Data and Logfiles|||Sorry for the delayed response. Look for the WITH MOVE Option in the BOL in the section for RESTORE DATABASE.

(Please indicate the thread as solved if it is)

HTH,Jens Suessmeyer.

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